Iran Sport

Persepolis debt settlement announcement

Message code: 2011305
April 11, 1403 at 2:59 p.m


The agreement was reached with Asadi and Mehdikhani

Persepolis reached an agreement with two players to close the Persepolis debt file and obtain a professional license.

According to “Varzesh Se”, Persepolis had to pay off debts to two players in order not to have problems with obtaining a professional license, and now, with the official announcement of Persepolis, this club has reached an agreement with Reza Asadi and Mehdi Mahdikhani.

This club wrote in its announcement: “The club from Perspolis paid its debts on time, so the necessary measures were taken to obtain a professional license.”

Given the measures previously taken by the Persepolis club in the field of tax debts and foreign debts, only two cases related to Reza Asadi and Mohammad Mehdi Mehdikhani remained to obtain a professional license in this field.

The Persepolis club, today (Saturday), before the deadline, took action to settle its debts in this case with the actions of the CEO and closed the debt file by settling the debts of Reza Asadi and Mohammad Mehdi Mahdikhani.

In this way, there will be no problems for the Persepolis club to obtain a professional license in this area.

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