Spanish Sport

Futsal: Aicardo gives a point to a brave Servigroup Pescola in Murcia

Servigroup Pescala had nothing to lose by visiting ElPozo Murcia and he never let up during the game. He didn’t make it just before half-time when Gadeia responded to Juanqui’s goal from ten meters. Neither did he when Marcel and Bruno Taffy scored a two-goal difference. Plaza reduced the lead and Santi Valladares’ men held […]

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Spanish Sport

Futsal: Pescala saves a point with three tenths to go

The belief that Servigroup Pescala shows at the beginning of the season allowed him to salvage a point (5-5) on the always difficult track of Virgen de la Cabeza against Via Albali Valdepeas. Five minutes before the end, Eric Martel increased the lead to 5:3 This seemed to give David Ramos’ side the first win […]

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