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Milan, offer for Taremi: Porto’s response is awaited

The Rossoneri’s proposal is just under 15 million. Meanwhile, the Portuguese have opened up for Famalicão full-back Iván Jaime

All-in for the Rossoneri for Mehdi Taremi. Milan have formulated the offer for the Porto striker, a little under €15m. The Portuguese are known to require at least 20 or even more to complete the deal. Three days before the end of the transfer market, the upper floors want to leave Milan Pioli the vice Giroud.

crucial hours

At this point Porto are awaiting a reply, who in the meantime will announce a reinforcement on Wednesday. We’re talking Ivan Jaime, the Famalicão attacking winger who has returned after a season of 11 goals and 5 assists in all competitions (9 in La Liga). He’s not a Taremi-like forward who could score 80 goals in three years with Dragao, but he’s a playmaker/winger with good technique. Who knows if it will affect the deal with the Rossoneri for the Iranian striker. Crucial hours.

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