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Miss Italy 2023: The winner is Francesca Bergesio. All about you

Who is the girl who won the title of “Most Beautiful in Italy” in the final on Saturday November 11th?

She was elected Miss Italy 2023: It’s about Francesca Bergesio, 19 years old, from Bra and living in Cervere, in the Cuneo area. Long brown hair, graduate of the European Classical High School, newly enrolled at the medical faculty in Rome. He started with the band Miss Piedmont.

Miss Italy 2023: The winner is Francesca Bergesio

I would like to specialize in cardiac surgery” she explained in her presentation sheet. In addition to her passion for medicine, Francesca Bergesio also has a great passion Love for acting: “I want to become a doctor, but I also want to combine my work with the world of fashion or cinema, I won’t give that up,” explained the 19-year-old. On the Podium together with Francesca Bergesio Veronica lasagna20-year-old Miss Lombardy, e Syria Pozzi22-year-old Miss Sardinia 2023.

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