Iran Sport

The derby was delayed by a month or two!

Message code: 1964029
September 18, 1402 at 12:20 am
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Mehdi: The games are intense;

Derby 102 will definitely not take place in October.

According to “Varzesh Se”, although the match between Persepolis and Esteghlal was expected to take place in the fifth week of the Premier League in October and after the end of the competition of the Omid Iran football team, but now the league organization announced that this delicate match will definitely be not played in October. And it will be delayed by at least a month or two.

Sohail Mehdi, the head of the league’s competition committee, said in an interview with Khabar: Due to the tight schedule of the AFC Champions League, we will definitely not host the derby until the end of October.

He continued: All our efforts are aimed at holding this competition in November or even in Azar, and the intensity of the games should be taken into account.

Sohail Mehdi recalled: The Iranian national team is in a situation where it needs to take advantage of this space and opportunity, and on the other hand, at the same time with Fifadi, we have the Asian Champions League matches, which puts a lot of pressure on the domestic national team. All our efforts are aimed at participating in the Asian Nations Cup with a strong national team, and on the other hand, we have the competition in Hangzhou ahead of us.

The official of the competition committee of the league organization recalled: The first half of the Premier League season hosts the Asian Champions League, Asian Nations Cup and Hangzhou Championship matches and scheduling is very difficult.

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