Iran Sport

Unofficial: Khodabandelo is a step on the way to Persepolis

Message code: 1993562
December 21, 1402 at 02:00


The first purchase from Yahya Golmohammadi’s list!

A few hours ago, the managers of Persepolis reached a partial agreement with their counterpart Rafsanjani to transfer the midfielder of this team to the Red Army.

According to “Varzesh Se”, the managers of this team are following the situation in a situation where the discussion about the choice of the next head coach of Persepolis is hot and this team is looking for his replacement after the termination of the cooperation with Yahya Golmohammadi in the squad for the second half of the season to reinforce.

After Yahya Golmohammadi announced that he would present a list of transfers to Darvish before the final half-time meeting, they followed up on the situation of their technical staff. With the change in conditions on the team bench, this pursuit has now continued.

In the latest action of this club, in recent days and after meetings with one of the players he was considering for the continuation of the season, he has made the final arrangements for the transfer of Mohammad Khodabandelou. The managers of the Persepolis and Mes Rafsanjan clubs held a meeting in this regard a few hours ago and followed the necessary negotiations to obtain approval.

It seems that this transfer should be considered complete and in the coming hours Persepolis will officially announce the first purchase of the winter window.

Since Persepolis needed a player in midfield with the departure of Milad Sarlek, who was drafted, Yahya Golmohammadi had put this player’s name on his shopping list for the second time. However, the club’s managers focused on strengthening the team and, despite Yahya’s departure, pursued negotiations with this player and finally managed to reach the necessary agreements and it remains to be seen when this agreement and this player will be finalized as the new purchase of the Reds was revealed.

At the beginning of last season, Khodabandelou was also considered by Persepolis and Yahya Golmohammadi, but the differences led him to make a different choice and accept Gol Gohar Sirjan’s offer.

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