Iran Sport

Zob Ahn’s response to the threat from the head of the Omid team

Message code: 1965928
September 25, 1402 at 11:31 p.m. |


Darabi: Mr. Farqani, you are running away;

The club’s supervisor and board member Zob Ahn made a statement on Saturday regarding the sidelines of this team.

According to the report of “Varzeh Se”, after the failure in the Olympic selection and the early exit from this competition, Omid’s national team returned to Tehran and left for China after a few hours’ break. Omid’s national team will play at the Asian Games in Hangzhou from the beginning of October.
At the same time, Zob Ahn’s opposition to the presence of Fardin Yousefi in Omid’s camp prompted Mehran Farqani, the head of Omid’s national team, to give a tough interview against this Isfahani club. Farqani announced in an interview with Sports Se that Mohammad Rabiei and Fardin Yousefi should be held accountable in the ethics committee.
Nevertheless, the Zob Ahn Club is of the opinion that the head of the national team is generally not allowed to speak on behalf of the ethics committee and that they have worked perfectly with the Omid national team in the last few months.

Abbas Darabi, head of the Zob Ahan football team and board member of this club, had a conversation with our reporter in this regard.
In response to the Omid national team manager’s words today, Darabi said: For more than two months, after the reformation of the Omid national team, Mohammad Hossein Eslami and Daniyal Iri have been available to this team. After these two months, the Omid national team staff requested Fardin Yousefi from us. In order for our country’s Omid team to have a stronger presence in the competitions and on the other hand, the Zob Ahan team can compete in the Premier League with a better ball, we were ready to make these players available to the national team. but Iri crossed the finish line and two players called on Zob Ahan. While it seems that the officials of the Omid team did not want the three players of the Zob Ahn team to be on their list, somehow we will see the clash between Zob Ahn and Esteghlal Khuzestan at another time.
He added: In recent days, the Zob Ahn Club has consulted with the Football Association and made two suggestions to the Association regarding the presence of Iri instead of Yousefi, since Islami is also in the Omid national team alongside Yousefi and Zob Ahn has two of his regular players against Esteghlal of Khuzestan has no authority The second offer was the presence of Yousefi in the Omid team, provided that our game on Thursday this week against Esteghlal Khuzestan is postponed to another date.


He added: Even in the conversation attributed to Mr. Farqani, Fardin Yousefi was threatened that if he is not included in the team, he should be held responsible for his non-participation in the ethics committee, while such a person does not fall within the purview of We will this In any case, follow up on discussions and follow up on Farqani’s threats with the relevant authorities at the Football Association
Darabi noted: It seems that the team managers have more important tasks and, instead of firing up the sidelines, they can concentrate on the affairs of the national team and their discretion. Despite all the unreal conversations, the reason for Yousefi’s delay in our country’s Omid team was the Zob Ahn club’s consultation with the managers of the Football Association, and the association also told us to wait before determining the assignment. Although Fardin Yousefi is one of the seniors of the national team and there is currently no FIFA calendar, the Zob Ahan team has made this player available to the national team to make the national team proud and to cooperate with all ranks of the national team. Contract.
Zob Ahn’s supervisor also announced the preparation of a ticket for Fardin Yousefi to Hangzhou, stating: Due to the positive opinion of the respected head coach Zob Ahan and the club, we have informed Mr. Khosravi to prepare a ticket for Fardin Yousefi and this ticket has been prepared for Sunday.
He addressed the head of the Omid national team and added: Mr. Farqani, your interview is an escape. They do not have the authority to investigate and determine the Ethics Committee’s policies and we will pursue this matter through the Ethics Committee.

Darabi mentioned Zob Ahn’s cooperation with the Omid national team in recent months: Mohammad Hossein Eslami was available to the Omid team in the first season, which is FIFA day only, in the Turkish camp and is available to the national team this month, from September 9th to 17th, about 40 days . I don’t know how we could have helped and if Islami was in the possession of the national team we would not have had three very important and strategic preparatory games for this elite and promising player, because he is the one who has proven that he is can also help his team in the big games.


In another part of his speech, Zob Ahan’s manager reiterated: Mr. Farghani, don’t run away. After you found out yesterday that I had contacted the association to send Fardin Yousefi, today you gave an interview and threatened expulsion from the Ethics Committee and other disciplinary authorities.

He added: In addition to the fact that talking about this matter is not within your scope, duties and competences, as someone who has gray hairs in this work and you consider me a veteran, I do not find this behavior attractive to you at all. Of course, I agree with you a little and know that it is difficult to eliminate the national team from the Olympic team, especially since this often happens with yellow cards. Darabi said: For some wrong reason, I know that on September 21st, the head coach of my team realized that the player had to be at the airport on the 22nd, so he expressed his objection and demanded that the game be postponed. Of course, Mr. Nakisa needed time to write letters, consult with the association officials and get a response from the association, but in the end Zob Ahn and Mr. Rabiei accepted the loss and left the player to the Omid team for the national team and the to help national interests.
Zob Ahn’s supervisor said that Farqani did not know that he had prepared a ticket for Yousefi. Mr Farqani thinks we should go to the ethics committee and get a ban. Considering that we expressed our agreement to the association yesterday and the association informed the player about the flight date, I don’t know how Mr. Farqani, as an honorable head of the national team, was not informed about it and is conducting such an interview.
Referring to Nakissa’s conversation with the Football Association boss, he added: Even in the conversation that the head of the association had with Mr. Nakisa, they said that Mr. Farqani will contact you soon and we are still waiting for Mr. Farqani to contact Mr. Nakisa, unfortunately there has been no communication on this far ! As a member of the Board of Directors of the Club and Manager of the Zob Ahan Team, I declare on behalf of the Board of Directors and the respected CEO of the Zob Ahan Club that we can immediately stop his departure so that we can serve the respected Ethics Committee and find out whether the behavior of the national team manager is ethical or not. We?

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