Spanish Sport

Futsal: Futsi Navalcarnero pays tribute to Damaris Bermejo

On August 13, 2022, we became aware of news that we would never like to receive, let alone publish. Damaris Bermejo, Benjamin player of the Futsi Atlético Navalcarnero, died in a tragic and absurd accident while the girl was fishing with her uncle in the Jerte River, which flowed through the town of Galisteo, in Cáceres.

The stick Damaris was wielding touched a submerged light cord, creating an electrical discharge that shook the boat in which “Dama” and her uncle were riding. The man was seriously injured while the girl was thrown from the boat and fell into the water. His lifeless body was found by security forces near the coast a few hours later.

The girl was on vacation in Galisteo, but he lived in the town of Las Ventas de Retamosa, in Toledo, very close to the southwestern border of the Community of Madrid. Damaris had a special talent for indoor football. Although his category was Benjamin, he always played in the higher category team, the Futsi Atlético Navalcarnero junior. He was also part of the Madrid Alevón team until this absurd accident ended his life.

Damaris Bermejo poses with some of the awards she won.FUTSI ATLTICO NAVALCARNERO

The book “The Illusion of Damaris” was written in memory of Damaris. which will be presented this afternoon at the Teatro Centro de Navalcarnero (7:00 p.m.), with free entry until capacity is reached.

The book collects the sports stories of 14 women: Marta Arce, Coral Bistuer, Mara ngeles Ruiz, Marta Galego, Lola Romero, Bea Seijas, Julia Pindado, Mara Jess Jimnez “Cuchi”, Eva Mangun, Fabiana Ribeiro “Fabi”, Luca Nespereira, Yaiza Delgado, Yoli Saa and Cristina Pérez. In addition, Paloma del Río, Julio García Mera and Marta García, María Saavedra, Oscar García, José Manuel Igea, president of Futsi Atlético Navalcarnero, among others, have collaborated with illustrations by Carlos Alejndrez “Otto”.

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